The Civic Museum of Palazzo Ciacchi

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The Civic Museum of Palazzo Ciacchi

Palazzo Ciacchi has been part of the Pesaro Musei circuit since June 2018, thanks to a new agreement signed between Confindustria Pesaro Urbino, which has had its headquarters here since 1981, and the Municipality of Pesaro.

Located on Via Cattaneo (formerly Strada dei Molini), the historic building forms a unicum with the buildings in front of it that form the small square or more appropriately the ‘rotonda,’ known as ‘Esedra Ciacchi.’

The main building had belonged to the Passeri (who arrived in Pesaro around 1500) who readapted their home on pre-existing structures, almost certainly ancient mills, many owned by the church of Sant’Antonio. The noble Pesaro family Stramigioli Ciacchi, owners from 1727 to 1948, implemented its rebuilding around 1727 and its reconstruction ex novo at the behest of Count Andrea Ciacchi in 1767.

Since summer 2008, some rooms of the palace have been hosting the exhibition “The Civic Museums at Palazzo Ciacchi” with paintings and ceramics from the museum deposits of  The Civic Museum of Palazzo Mosca. About 50 works, divided into 10 thematic sections, involving different areas of the ground floor, first floor and basement.

A happy agreement between public and private for the preservation and promotion of civic heritage, an expression of the cultural identity of the territory.

The Civic Museum of Palazzo Ciacchi

Via Cattaneo, 34 


  • June – September

Second and fourth Thursday of the month from 3:00 pm to 6:00 pm

Stradomenica (third Sunday of the month) from 4:30 pm to 7:30 pm

  • October – May

Second and fourth Thursday of the month from 3:00 pm to 6:00 pm

Stradomenica (third Sunday of the month) from 3:30 pm to 6:30 pm

Free admission

Reservation recommended


For Thursday visits

Confindustria Pesaro Urbino

T +39 0721 3831

For Stradomenica visits

Pesaro Museums T +39 0721 387 541