Online Collections

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Discover art collections with Pandora

Pandora is a computerized system for the protection and the management of Pesaro’s art-historical heritage owned by the municipality. It is a rich container of art, divided into four databases – decorative arts, ceramics, paintings-drawings, prints – according to the different types of artworks in the civic collections.

The research can be free: in this case all databases are involved simultaneously and the results come from all four art types, or advanced on each specific database and each sector. Information is constantly updated and implemented in relation to the progress of scientific studies and in relation to the cataloguing and to the restore.


Info and requests

Assessorato alla Bellezza

> Heritage Care and Management f | 

> Civic Museum Art Library 0721387525

> The use of the images and their dissemination is granted within the limit of promoting the knowledge of cultural heritage, for personal use and in such a way that they cannot be further reproduced for profit, even indirectly. Any misuse may be prosecuted according to law.

> Images used must bear the following diction: image taken from ©Pandora: database di cura e gestione del patrimonio artistico del Comune di Pesaro.

The Pandora software – web content management application – is developed by the Information Systems of the Municipality of Pesaro, based on the pre-existing Pandora software made with MS Access 2000 – conceived and managed by the staff of the Servizio Cultura_Musei Civici – deposited with N°. pr. 007556 (Ordinativo D006782 of 08/04/2010) at the Public Registry for software section OLAF of the SIAE General Management. The Municipality of Pesaro_Musei Civici is the copyright owner of the Pandora software.